Instantly Tap Into A Billion Dollar Marketplace
For Free Traffic & Sales In 60 Seconds!
- Cloud Software With Simple Dashboard…
- This Has Nothing Todo With Fiverr, SEO, Facebook ads, Shopify, Articles, Videos, or Complicated ‘offline stuff’…
- Create Stunning Affiliate Sites Optimized For FREE Traffic & Easy Sales In 60 Seconds…
- No Coding or Design Skills Needed – 100% Newbie-Friendly…
- Built-In Post Scheduler Gets You Free Traffic For More Sales…
- Scale Up Your Income To 3-Figure Days & Beyond Fast…
- Commercial License included for FREE When You Grab Crushrr Right Now (Valued at $497 – Only Available Right Now)
- And So Much More…
Malls And Retail Stores
Are Closing Down…
…And More People Than Ever Are Going Online
To Buy Physical Products…
Selling Physical Products Online Is A Massive Opportunity For Making Money…
…But Starting Your Own Ecom Store Is Tough…
- You need to find and source products…
- Carry inventory (which can be complicated and expensive)
- Create a store, which can take a lot of time, even if you use ‘store building’ tools…
- Spend money on ads to get traffic to your store…
- Track conversions and test new ideas…
- Build a social media following…
- Send emails to existing customers that have questions…
- Deal with refunds, returns, and defective products…
Promoting Physical Products As An Affiliate Is A
Super-Profitable Business Model…
Look At The Results We’re Getting With Our Brand New,
Mostly-Automated Software
If You Want To Get Results Like This For Yourself,
You’re In The Right Place
( See This Software in Action – Watch Demo Below )
Take Advantange of These Special Bonuses
1. Push Button Traffic 3.0 – (Worth $297)
NEW PUSH BUTTON SOFTWARE. Gets You Unlimited FREE Traffic And Instant. Profits In The Next 45 Seconds!
- 100% Newbie-friendly – No ‘tech’ skills required
- Create massive profit streams – and put your online income
- Brand-new – never-released traffic-getting software
- Get unlimited FREE traffic – within 45 seconds from right now
- Cloud Software – There’s nothing to install or update!
- Included video training – reveals how to use this software to bank $150 per day
- Agency Edition
2. Buyer Traffic Funnel – (Worth $297)
3. Push-Click-Commissions – (Worth $297)
4. Buyer Traffic Funnel – (Worth $297)
Get These Bonuses Together With Crushrr
Exclusive Bonus #1
VidRolls White Label
- Create media-rich snippets that lead naturally to your video.
- Develop contextual ads that automatically appear when your video is finished.
- Include learning objectives for training videos.
- Require an opt-in to view a video (perfect for content upgrades!)
- Link multiple videos together for a step-by-step process that’s seamless for viewers
Exclusive Bonus #2
WP Lockdown White Label
- The “”WP Lockdown”” plugin will take password protected pages to a whole new level.
- This plugin is only limited by your imagination so we hope you enjoy it.
- You can now do things like setup a free course, advertise it on your site and display a list of page titles in a dropdown menu, but none of them are accessible until your visitor becomes a subscriber.
Exclusive Bonus #3
Social Marketing Advantage
Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Dominating Social Media Marketing And Make Profits …Starting Today! This Comprehensive A to Z, 8-Part Social Media Marketing Course Will Guide You From Zero to Brand New Customers!
Exclusive Bonus #4
Internet Marketing Lifestyle
Become An Expert At Internet Marketing And Get Better Results… Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
Exclusive Bonus #5
Social Marketing Advantage
The definition of the sales funnel refers to the buying process that companies lead customers through when purchasing products.
Topics covered:
- Integrating Your USP Into Your Business
- How to Implement A Horizontal Profit Funnel
- How to Implement A Vertical Profit Funnel
- Creating Your List Building System
- Setting Up Your Tracking System
- Setting Up A Joint Venture
- Creating an Affiliate Opportunity
- Implementing Urgency and Scarcity
- Using Your Website As Home Base
- Using A Silo Architecture for SEO
- Automating Your Marketing Processes
- Self Publishing Your Book
- Publishing Your Online Course
Exclusive Bonus #6
Maximum Launch Profits
Launching a product is exciting, and the feeling of excitement never really goes away, even when you’ve launched dozens of products. That feeling of anticipation and anxiousness… there’s nothing quite like it. It’s incredibly disappointing when you work hard on a launch and it fizzles out quickly.
In this guide, you will learn some of the best ways to make sure your next product launch has the best possible chance of success and makes the most money possible.
You’ll learn about how to find JV partners and affiliates, how to generate pre-launch buzz, setting up an effective sales funnel, the most effective ways to use OTOs, and much more.
Exclusive Bonus #7
Buyer Trigger
Discover The 10 Psychological Triggers That Convert Leads Into Customers!
The mind is the root of every action and reaction in our world. What we do physically is merely the manifestation of what’s going on in our mind. Our actions are extensions of our thoughts.
Even when our actions seem to go against our thoughts, they are in fact driven by our subconscious compulsions. Every action and reaction can be traced back to the human psyche.
Customers, consumers or clients are no different. People decide under the influence of psychological triggers. These psychological triggers can be influenced by many factors.
While there are dozens of elements that can influence the psyche of an individual, here are the ten most important psychological triggers that convert leads into customers.
Exclusive Bonus #8
Facebook Live Marketing
Video will be the fastest-growing content category on mobile, desktop and everywhere else through to at least 2020, predicts, and as a result digital-video ad spending will rise from $9.90 billion in 2016 to $28.08 billion in 2020!
Exclusive Bonus #9
Hashtag Traffic Secrets
Get Laser-Targeted Social Media Traffic Using The Power Of Hashtags!
Exclusive Bonus #10
Lead Book Generator
With this powerful plugin, you can easily integrate Facebook Lead Ads with your autoresponder and have your leads added to your mailing list automatically!
Here is what it can do:
- Connection to unlimited lists – perfect for offering multiple opt-in incentives from your Facebook page
- Seamless Integration with endless forms and fields – as long as the information can be added to your autoresponder, LeadBook Generator can handle it!
- Total control over the frequency of imports – choose hourly, daily, or twice daily depending on how often you generate leads.
- ‘One-click install’ right from your WordPress dashboard – no FTP to fuss with or databases to create.
- Simple set up through WordPress so there’s no additional software to purchase or navigate.
- No costly month-to-month charges so you can run all the campaigns you like without incurring additional fees!
- Fully-illustrated, step-by-step user guide and video demo makes it easy to start generating leads from Facebook and adding them to your list!
- Capture new subscribers right where they spend the most time, while ensuring you are getting QUALITY leads with REAL email addresses!
- And much, much more!
Exclusive Bonus #11
Content Marketing Boosters
Find out how using other forms of media in your content marketing plan can drastically boost your results!
Exclusive Bonus #12
Laser Focused Success
We live in an era of information overload. We are bombarded with media, technology, entertainment, and notifications every day. It seems there are hundreds of people and things competing for your attention at any given time.
There is no wonder why in the last few years, our attention spans have become shorter and our ability to focus has decreased.
Not being able to focus can have a negative effect on how successful we are at work and in our personal lives. Focus is a skill that we develop by training and practice.
In this special report you will learn tips and techniques to help improve your focus. Also it will help you to create your plan for improving your productivity.
Exclusive Bonus #13
Email Monetizer
Turning your email list into a passive income money maker isn’t as difficult, or time consuming as you may think.
Every day, thousands of online marketers are transforming their mailing lists into powerful cash funnels, and quite often, they don’t even have their own product line!
This special report will make it easy for you to start making money with your subscriber base even if you’re just starting out.
It will show you how you can join the ranks of successful list builders quickly and easily, while increasing engagement, building your tribe and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your market.
Exclusive Bonus #14
Content Marketing Rookie
How To Create Wealth And Permanently Boost Your Status With One Simple But Solid Strategy! …Don’t Let Fatal Assumptions Blind You To The Straightest Path To Success!
Exclusive Bonus #15
Membership Site Continuity
Discover How To Build A Profitable Recurring Membership Site From Scratch… Starting Today! Includes eBook, Checklist, Resources, Mindmap, Sales Page, Email Swipes, Articles & Social Media Quotes and More!
Exclusive Bonus #16
WP Advert Plugin
Add an Eye Catching Bar to catch the attention of your visitors in your WordPress site using this Plugin.
You can display the Notification Message on this Bar for Members/Guests, Display in Home Page/All Pages/Pages By ID, on Top/Bottom of the site, 32 types of easing effects to the Eye Catching Bar and Notification Message etc.
Show the Bar in Collapsed/Expanded state on page load with different types of Effect. Super Customizable Plugin.
Exclusive Bonus #17
WP Buzz Machine Plugin
Create highly sharable memes about your product, service or business and much more!
Exclusive Bonus #18
WP Shortcode Guru
Now You Can Finally Add Eye-catching, Amazing Shortcodes To Your WordPress Blogs With Just Few Clicks Of Your Mouse!
Exclusive Bonus #19
Social Webinar Outlaw
Social Webinar Outlaw allows you to create high converting webinar landing pages directly inside of your Facebook Fan Page.
Easily integrate GoToWebinar into the optin box in one second, super simple…
You can have your webinar pages without facebook, and have them have nice pretty URLS inside of WP. Watch the video above for more info…
Exclusive Bonus #20
WP FB Optin Wiz
WP Facebook Optin Wiz allows you to create amazing timeline Optin Pages that go Viral and are 100% customizable.
Easily create stunning opt-in pages because you have control over how they are displayed, 100% customizable.
Block the optin page to only people who like your page, works amazing well for fan building!