SociCore Will Change Affiliate Marketing Forever…
See How You Can Use SociCore To Generate $2.50 For Every $1 You Spend On Facebook Ads
It Really Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than This. Watch The Video Review Below.
What’s SociCore All About?
We all need traffic. But Free Traffic is slow, and takes a lot of work.
That’s why more and more people are turning to Paid Traffic. It’s instant, and much more predictable. And the best paid traffic source is Facebook Ads.
The only problem with Facebook Ads is that more and more people are starting to target same interests. So costs per click are going up.
That’s why Alex Costan decided to develop his new software SociCore.
SociCore allows anyone to quickly find new Facebook Interests to target. The types of interests that noone else is targeting. Which means that you can get lower cost per click and get more targeted traffic quickly.
And The Results? Over $1,300 Commissions Generated With Just $650 Ad Spend Plus $495 In Monthly Recurring Revenue From Just One Campaign
5 PREMIUM SOFTWARES With Full White Label Rights

BONUS 1: BANNER ENGAGE 100% White Label Rights
Value $297
A very powerful WP Plugin that will allow your customers to keep their media buy campaigns very well organized and optimized for maximum results.
Every internet marketer/company are running dozens of Media Buy Campaigns, Banners & Ads all over the internet so this Plugin is PERFECT for a software launch.
All serious marketers and businesses are going to eat this up.
Bonus 2: EASY A/B TESTING 100% White Label Rights
Value $297
Easy A/B testing is a great tool for every marketer – it will allow your customers to analyze each and every visitor experience to see how they are interacting with their website or specific pages.
From small businesses to corporate, as well as personal websites and marketing funnels – they all need to increase their conversions, sales and profits, and easy A/B testing will help them do just that.

BONUS 3: MESSAGE ENGINE 100% White Label Rights
Value $297
A very sexy messaging plugin that will allow your customers to add a chat box on every page of their website.
Services like this are producing amazing results and are being sold for monthly fees so your launch success is almost guaranteed.
Bonus 4: SPLIT SOCIAL 100% White Label Rights
Value $297
Probably the most powerful plugin in the package – it will allow your customers to run social contests from any facebook post.
Not only that, but it will also give them the power to do social split testing – a never seen before feature to increase social shares & traffic on complete autopilot.

BONUS 5: SURVEY ENGAGE 100% White Label Rights
Value $297
Your customers will be able to create and publish any type of survey, track and manage results in minutes.
Surveys are an incredible powerful tool for online marketers, offline marketers or even local business wich makes this plugin a MUST have for almost anyone that will visit your page.
Ultimate WordPress Plugin Social Bundle ($147 Total Value)
Developers License Included
Premium Bonus #1
WP Social Mage

- NEVER worry about copyright issues again – leverage thousands of royalty free images you can use at will
- Simple point and click editor customizes, brands and MONETIZES your images in seconds
- Save MASSIVE time by instantly posting from WITHIN the dashboard to all of your FB pages and groups
- Build a PROFITABLE list using free traffic all thanks to social media
- Make MORE sales and commissions with 100% free traffic
- And much, much more!
As simple as 1…2…3
Take a look at this stunning case study that shows you just how powerful this software is!
And for LIST BUILDING…well we’ve definitely got that down…
Take a look at the images below, here you can see a test image I posted to Facebook that resulted in 112 new site visitors and 70 new subscribers…
All from a clickable image!
Check Out What REAL Users Of Our Underground Software Have To Say:
You guys did it again! This tool is a life saver for me I am loving it. I have been doing all this manually and it takes me hours of work just to post let alone the finding the right image and now I have it all right in front of me — Well done FREE traffic is my favorite! Thanks Monika
WP Social Mage is solid product guys I love the all the pic’s I can pull in right inside my dashboard. Viral images are the the way to go and I wanted to have a good solid tool that I could put on my sites but could not find one until now. Very cool stuff you made the entire process of creating & syndicating them super simple as well. FREE TRAFFIC just got EASIER thanks guys!!
I have been using and playing with WP Social Mage and had some amazing results. When I first heard Rob was developing the software I was quite desperate to get my hands on a copy as I had really started using memes on a survival Facebook page I run. The engagement on the memes where six times what I was getting on my videos and the memes where causing the page to get more viral traction than ever before. In only 24hrs one meme had reached over 2000 people and over 100 shares. If you do any kind of marketing on Facebook then you will benefit from using WP Social Mage as not only does it find the images to use but it saves you a lot of work customising them as well. Plus you can set it to post direct to your pages and schedule when the post goes live. Great tool for Facebook marketers. Thanks Richard
I have just had the pleasure of playing around with a new plugin by Rob Maggs and Chris Jenkins. Not being a techie, what was important to me for my social media friends and clients, was something easy to use and intuitive.It is loaded with special effects and fonts galore for memes, a part of social media I am getting into. You need to have a WordPress site, so this will definitely appeal to internet marketers and bloggers alike. Definitely a tool I will be purchasing on Sunday, get in early for early bird discounts.John Wright. Manchester UK
Demo Video
Premium Bonus #2
WP Social Mage Pro

- Adds POWERFUL Dynamic Tension to your Social Networking…Flex your muscles and 14 other social Networks receive your stunning content!
- Never be bothered by that Google Bully who kicked sand in your face…you just whupped his butt!
- Set and Forget, schedule content for MONTHS ahead and take a vacation….whilst being paid!
- Explode your List building with multiple Influential sites hosting your content.
- Make Even MORE sales and commissions With this powerful Scheduler
- And much, much more!

Take A Look At This Unstoppable Monster From The Lab….
- 8 Social Networks To Publish Your Content!
- Increase your Rankings With Social Bookmarks
- Reach 1000’s More Leads
- Set and Forget
- An Unstoppable Social Posting Machine!
- And much, much more!
Demo Video
When You Purchase SociCore, You Also Get Instant Access To These Incredible Bonuses

Exclusive Bonuses #1
Snap Affiliate Profits Traffic Course
(Value $17)
Based on a case study showing how to get Bing Traffic for $0.02 – $0.10 per click in nearly any niche, and how to then convert that traffic using affiliate model
Exclusive Bonuses #2
Turnkey Profit Machines
(Value $27)
Based on a proven case study, shows how Phil Schafer is making over $10,000 every month from his website based on a punk-clothing niche

Exclusive Bonuses #3
WP Optin Countdown
(Value $17)
A plugin for WordPress that allows you to create easy landing pages with scarcity timers.
- Integrates with autoresponders
- Create optin pages in WordPress easily
- Add timers for added scarcity
Exclusive Bonuses #4
WP FB Content Genie
Search for popular content on Facebook to share without ever leaving WordPress.

Exclusive Bonuses #5
Zero Cost Traffic Tactics Gold
Uncover the Heavily Guarded Secrets to Pulling in MASSIVE Amounts Of Laser Targeted Traffic To Any Website Or Offer — Real Live People Who Actually Have A REAL Serious Interest In Buying
Exclusive Bonuses #6
Social Traffic Equalizer
Uncover the Heavily Guarded Secrets to Pulling in MASSIVE Amounts Of Laser Targeted Traffic To Any Website Or Offer — Real Live People Who Actually Have A REAL Serious Interest In Buying.

Exclusive Bonuses #7
Viral Info Graphic Traffic
Finally, Discover How to Get Eyeballs Back to Your Site Using Infographics …
Starting Today! This 9-part video course is designed to show you how you can get eyeballs and visitors back to your site by using tried and tested techniques on how to create a successful infographic plus tools you can use to help speed up the process!
Exclusive Bonuses #8
Traffic & Conversion Secrets
Learn how to get your website traffic to buy from you instead of just looking around!

Other Bonuses That You Will Get If You Pick It Up Through My Link
Bonus 1: Pullii – Get 15,000 Targeted Visitors a Day (VALUE: $37)
Pullii is a recent product by Greg Kononenko and Stefan Ciancio and shows exactly how they’re currently getting 10,000 – 15,000 free visitors every single day to their sites using social meda.

Bonus 2: Exclusive Collection of IM Graphics (Currently Sold For $27)
For anything you do online, you need stunning graphics to make your products and services more professional. That’s why we have decided to also provide you with a collection of stunning IM graphics. There are over 650 high quality templates for anything you might possibly need: arrows, bullets, banners, ebook templates, fonts, headers, icons, you name it… It will be a huge help for you in anything you do online. And you can easily use this pack with SociCore.
Bonus 3: Traffic & Leads Generation Case Studies – (VALUE: $67)
Whenever Greg and Stefan get results doing something new, they document them in little micro case studies. You’ll get a neat bundle of some of their best micro case studies including traffic method results, easy quick profits, cheap leads and more. These are battle-tested by them and will give you insider knowledge to boost your traffic and profits

Get Access To These Bonuses On Upgrade
Premium OTO Bonus
WP Social Miner ($67 Value)
(Only Works With FE Bonus WP Social Mage)

Find Awesome Content to Post To Your Networks! ..
WP Social Miner Open The Floodgates To Awesome Viral Content…
WP Social Miner searches, Posts and Schedules Amazing Content To All Your Social Networks…
- Searches for Quotes, Articles, Youtube videos, Viral Content, Answer Sites And More…It’s Mind Blowing!
- Never worry about what content to post, we’ll grab 100’s of AWESOME Pieces of content for you to post…Schedule content for MONTHS ahead It’s a total NOBRAINER!
- Keep your fans enraptured by the amazing content you post!
- Become A Social Media Superstar With this powerful Scheduler
- And much, much more!
Demo Video

Exclusive OTO Bonus #1
Social Webinar Outlaw ($47 Value)
Social Webinar Outlaw allows you to create high converting webinar landing pages directly inside of your Facebook Fan Page.
Easily integrate GoToWebinar into the optin box in one second, super simple…
You can have your webinar pages without facebook, and have them have nice pretty URLS inside of WP. Watch the video above for more info…
Exclusive OTO Bonus #2
WP Facebook Optin wiz ($47 Value)
WP Facebook Optin Wiz allows you to create amazing timeline Optin Pages that go Viral and are 100% customizable.
Easily create stunning opt-in pages because you have complete control over how they are displayed, 100% customizable…
Block the optin page to only people who like your page, works amazing well for fan building!

Exclusive Bonus #3
2 Cents Tube Clicks Course ($47 Value)
This is in-depth course will teach you how to advertise on YouTube without spending a lot of money. This will walk you through in a step-by-step manner on how to drive unlimited traffic to your site at only 2 cents per click!
- An in-depth course of 19 step-by-step videos which teaches you how to drive unlimited targeted traffic to your website with only 2 cents a click
- Master the most popular video platform, YouTube, which already has over 1 billion user reach!
- Tap into little known strategies which gives you the advantage against your competitors
- And more…
Exclusive OTO Bonus #4
Recently Viewed WordPress Plugin ($37 Value)
Reduce Your Bounce Rate, Increase Your Page Views, And Give Readers Exactly The Information They Need And Want, Every Time They Visit!
- Unique WordPress Plugin that creates popups within your wordpress pages and posts
- Provides Viral buttons for ALL leading social media sites PLUS, the ONLY plugin to feature the BRAND NEW Google + Badges button (important for SEO)
- Can also be used as a normal popup with a normal close button and on any post or page. It’s super flexible!
- Can act as a ‘content locker’ that only unlocks when a viral button is clicked or with a countdown timer
- MASSIVE FEATURE: Built in lead capture system. No autoresponder? Let people opt in and their data is stored in wordpress by our plugin. This can be exported in a CSV or you can use a free plugin we show you to send a newsletter
- And more…

Exclusive Bonus #5
WP Checklist Boss Plugin ($37 Value)
Allows admin to create checklists for other visitors to use so that they can complete a program or process successfully, and also to help them keep track of their progress
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