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Instantly Create ADDICTIVE eBooks,Courses & Reports without writing a Single Word &

Turn them into    


INSTANTLY With Point-N Click Simplicity…

WITHOUT Any Writing, Designing, Coding Or Other Technical Skills or any investment

Now Create Addictive eBooks & Reports in any Niche!
like these…

Instantly Boost Engagement
And Profits Just As We Did…

If you thought Digital Products like eBook and Videos are the future, then the future is here.

You’re at the right place if you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth putting your mind and money into creating such digital products

[and more importantly into video marketing].

Take A Look At These
Staggering Numbers…


Special Launch Offer Includes:

To Your Success…

New Bonuses Added

Header + Banner Editor – White Label Edition

Turnkey graphics software business and membership app. Also includes sales page, marketing material, customer training videos, and much more…

Soci VideoGamer

Engage and convert your visitors with interactive social network video puzzle!

The brandable HTML5 Social Video Puzzle is an interactive YouTube video puzzle game with social network share. It splits the video into several pieces, shuffles them and the user has to put them back into the correct order to claim your special offer. This script can be used for creating a “buffer” page for social media marketing or engaging landing page to convert visitors. Truly the easiest and most effective way to increase engagement and conversions!


STEP 1. Enter video ID and promotion details then upload to server
Just enter any public YouTube video ID and promotion details (logo, headline, caption and link to special offer e.g. coupon, discount or download) then transfer all files to your server.
STEP 2. Visitors play the video puzzle
When a visit the page, the script checks if the videos files exists (videoID.webm / videoID.mp4), if it does, the user can click to play the video puzzle immediately, If the file does not exist, it automatically downloads the video files from YouTube (with progress bar).
STEP 3. They claim your offer
If the user successfully completes the puzzle then can play again to beat there previous time or visit your link to claim your offer.

WP Contentio

Contentio – This is an Advanced Floating Content plugin that is customised for you to use as an all in one purpose tool plus it’s not difficult to use, The interface covers everything in one single plugin to assure you won’t need any other plugin…

With WP Content Floater you can demonstrate a sticky footer notice or sticky header warning, feature advancements which floats into site, you need this to pass an important message to your social networking connections, a commercial picture or altered HTML coasting content, Every content on your website can be boosted with this and You can check Statistics from admin dashboard to show your floating content meets the desired reach.

Agency Landing Page Template

An event agency website has to be attractive. It has bright and eye-catching to boost your client base and make your business profitable.

With a website, you can advertise your services and ensure clients you are professional. But, to do so, you need the best website you can get. Happy landing page HTML template will help you with that.

Mailster Email NewsLetter Plugin for WordPress

MyMail is an easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress. Create, send and track your Newsletter Campaigns without hassle.

And Here’s The Bonuses You’ll Get If You Take Action Today

Exclusive Bonus #1

WP Defender Pro White Label

WP defender helps you secure and protect your WordPress site. On average, 30,000 new websites are hacked each day. WordPress sites can be an easy target for attacks because of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and obsolete software. But with WP defender, you don’t need to worry about getting hacked!

Exclusive Bonus #2

Theme Switch Wizard

Let users switch between themes from the front end of a site – in a post, a page, a widget or right from the WordPress toolbar.

Exclusive Bonus #3

WP Footer Monster

Make your blog footer lively using this easy to use plugin that allows administrators to add their own content to the footer of every page on their site.

Exclusive Bonus #4

WP Post Energizer

Automatically share your old posts on Twitter and Facebook. Get more visitors to your website and keep your content alive.

Exclusive Bonus #5

WP Blog Spicer Upper

Instantly Increase Your Conversion Rate By Decorating Your WP Blog With This Incredibly Useful Plugin!

Exclusive Bonus #6

Exit Pop Pro

Cool software that generates fantastic new exit pop-ups.

What is the use of traffic if you can’t convert those traffic into subscribers and into costumers. You see, conversion is that important for every lead generation website and one of the techniques that successful online marketers did is adding a popup feature of the page.

Unlike traditional pop-ups which are hated by most web users and can even damage SEO attempts, these are different. When the user moves their mouse outside the main browser window (as if to close or change address) an attractive window appears in the browser!

Exclusive Bonus #7

WP Left Behind

Easily Create Secure Dual Launches for Mass Exposure!

When you sell your products through one network only, lots of affiliates and sales from other networks are left behind. It’s time to for them.

Exclusive Bonus #8

WP Cash-O-Matic

Want to earn more cash from your offers?

Or want to make more commissions from affiliate offers?

This plugin creates cash-o-matic product pages for your own or affiliate offers instantly.

Exclusive Bonus #9

WP BotBlocker

Stop your wordpress site from being attacked by hackers using bots to try and bring down your site!

Website hacking has been an issue for many WordPress users for several years now. That’s why WordPress Developers are making security plugins to defend WordPress sites.

If you are having the same problem, chances are you might want to also install this amazing WordPress called WP BotBlocker with will block any bots that will attempt to do brute entry of your website’s backend.

Exclusive Bonus #10

Video Profits Unleashed

Discover How To Create And Launch Profit Pulling Videos To Get FREE Traffic & Sales Step By Step! The Future Is Already Here… With The Emergence Of Video Streaming, You CANNOT Afford To Miss Out On This Exponentially Growing Opportunity.

Exclusive Bonus #11

High Ticket Authority Gold

Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 HOT, Over-The-Shoulder, Step-By-Step Video Tutorials!
Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

Exclusive Bonus #12

Millionaire Outlaw

Millionaire Outlaw is the no-nonsense, straight to the point methods used to create enormous wealth from HIGH TICKET products and ONE TIME OFFER strategies so you can work less and make more. You Get 5 Complete Video Modules + Plug-N-Play List Building System!

Exclusive Bonus #13

Facebook Super Pack

Easy Step-By-Step Video Walkthrough Of The Complete Facebook Marketing Strategy To Maximize Traffic, Leads & Sales While Avoiding Common Mistakes!

Exclusive Bonus #14

Webinar Delivery Blueprint

Discover How to Set Up Your Webinar Funnel While Getting the Highest Conversions… Starting Today! This 9-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can quickly and easily get more people to buy your products and services after watching your webinars!

Exclusive Bonus #15

No Cost Income Stream

With this 9-part video course you will learn how to: Build a list Build a funnel in internet marketing niche Drive free traffic Promote affiliate products every day Also you will learn great squeeze page tips, advice for writing your sales letter and much more!

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