Earn Big Money Selling or Renting Video Rankings, Even If You’ve Never Done SEO In Your Life
Our Students Are Earning Thousands of Dollars Using this Lightning Fast White-Hat Technique… And Now We’re Throwing Open the Doors for a Very Limited Time
- Tried, tested and PROVEN technique
- Evergreen method – NO loopholes
- Perfectly optimized video listings in SECONDS that RANK
- ZERO SEO knowledge or skills required
- Sell your results over, and over again
- Perfect service to SELL to local / offline businesses
Use Coupon code: “2off” to Avail $2 Discount
Is the Hotspot of Leads and Sales
Whilst doing our research we found that EVERY business would like to be on the first page of Google, but many don’t even know where to start. In fact, they know it ISN’T easy to get into a prime position in Google.
However, the first page of Google is where the money is, and every business knows that.
In fact, they will gladly hand over CASH to anyone who can get them on that first page, so that THEY can benefit from the resulting exposure, leads and sales (instead of their competitors).
This is EXACTLY what our students have been doing for other businesses, by getting them firmly on the first page of Google (near-permanently). The best part is, they only spent a few minutes achieving those rankings using vRankerPro.
The EASIEST Video Ranking System Available
Step 01
Select a niche
Step 02
Select a keyword
Step 03
Choose your location
A Fast, EASY Solution that Enables YOU to Capitalize on this Market, Without Having ANY Prior Knowledge or Expertise
After months of testing we had discovered the PERFECT strategy for ‘tapping’ into Googles brain and giving them EXACTLY what they are looking for.
And that is creating a video title, description and tags that are perfectly crafted for Google, letting them know that YOUR video is 100% relevant to your target keyword.
The keyword that you want your video to rank for.
We use our own special techniques to determine EXACTLY the RIGHT words to use within our video listing so that it ranks highly in Google.
We don’t want to bamboozle you with science, technical jargon or semantic concepts, as we’re sure that you’re not interested in all that complicated stuff.
Here’s What You Get When You Invest On this Product
Bonus #1
vRankerPro Bonus Niche
vRankerPro has 7 profitable niches built into the FE offer. However, we have added an unannounced BONUS niche, giving all users 8 niches in total.
This is a bonus niche that you can mention in your promotional emails, and will be waiting for them in their dashboard upon logging in.
Bonus #2
Video Link Machine (50 Credits)
Video Link Machine is our cloud-based software that can build powerful backlinks and video embeds to your customers published videos.
These embeds and backlinks can help to further BOOST your customers videos in Google.
With this BONUS, your customers will get 50 embeds and backlinks, in the form of 50 credits.
Bonus #3
SemantixPro Keyword Software
SemantixPro is a unique keyword tool that rips semantic keyword ideas from the TOP RANKED pages in Google.
The software can retrieve thousands of keywords and phrases from other competing websites and pages. Your customers will then be able to sort, filter and segment those keywords into smaller, more manageable keyword lists.
Bonus #4
Super Simple Keyword Tool
This software takes a seed keyword, and digs into Google Suggest to find relevant, long-tail keywords.
Super Simple Keyword Tool digs up to 4 levels deep and your customers will find it extremely easy to use, and very useful.
Grab vRankerPro in the market today! We are giving YOU these Amazing Additional Bonuses When You Invest in this Powerful Application!
WP Azon Genie
This wordpress plugin allows you to put Amazon product links, images and bespoke templates into your site’s Pages, Posts, Widgets and Site Templates.
WP Quiz Master
A very easy to use plugin that allows user to create and embed them anywhere on your blog.
Many features like…
- Unlimited amount of quizzes
- Each quiz has individual options
- Mobile friendly (responsive design)
- Each question can have it’s own featured image
- Share Quiz score across Facebook and Twitter
- Much Much More…
WP Ad Monster
Display Ads to groups of visitors or subscribers using simple conditions.
Easily reach potential clients with customized offers with pin-point accuracy.
Other feature includes…
- Display ad if user comes to the site by clicking a link
- Display ad if a user has never commented
- Display ad if arriving from a search engine
- Simple checkbox configuration
- Give logged in users a special offer
- Display ads only to visitors
Content Lock Monster
Monster Protection for amost ANYTHING
You can protect any media, shortcodes inserted by other plugins or any other digital item you’d like – if it can be inserted into a post or page, it can be protected.
Plus, multiple separate pieces of content can be protected in a single post or page.
An excellent tool for:
- Teachers wanting to keep work private from everyone who isn’t in their class (or student group)
- Bloggers wanting to limit access to content to only people they know
- Providing special giveaways, but only to people who you give, or who can guess the password
- Anyone looking to secure a piece of content, rather than a whole page
- Use Password Protect for a simple content protection solution.
Theme Switch Wizard
Let users switch between themes from the front end of a site – in a post, a page, a widget or right from the WordPress toolbar.
WP Image Monster
Reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO
WP Post Energizer
Automatically share your old posts on Twitter and Facebook. Get more visitors to your website and keep your content alive.
WP Sticky Monster
Reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO
WP Checklist Boss
Allows admin to create checklists for other visitors to use so that they can complete a program or process successfully, and also to help them keep track of their progress
WP Welcome Genie
Easily grab your visitors attention by creating full size welcome screens to any page of your site!